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Technical Program
Gaylord Opryland Resort, Nashville, Tennessee
Technical Program Dates

Technical Sessions
Atomic Layer Processing
Coatings for Energy Conversion and Related Processes
Coatings and Processes for Biomedical Applications
Digital Transformation through Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Simulation, and Data Science in the Thin Film Industry
Electron Beam Processes
Emerging and Translational Technologies and Applications
Exhibitor Innovator Showcase
High Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering (HIPIMS)
Large Area Coatings
Optical Coatings
Organic and Perovskite Electronics
Plasma Processing and Diagnostics
Process Monitoring, Control, and Automation
Protective, Tribological, and Decorative Coatings
Quantum Computing
Selective Atomic Scale Processes
Technical Poster Session
Thin Film Contributions for the Hydrogen Economy
Thin Film Sensors
Two-Dimensional (2D) Materials and Heterostructures – Applications, Large-Scale Growth, and Advanced Characterization
WebTech Roll-to-Roll Coatings Technologies and Innovation
Program Director
Chris Stoessel, Stoessel Consulting