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Plasma Processing and Diagnostics
Plasma has the unique capability of providing a diverse and complex environment that has proven to be well-suited for a wide variety of industrial applications including anisotropic dry etching, surface chemical modification, magnetron sputter-deposition and plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) of thin films and coatings. Nevertheless, the potential of plasma processing on an industrial scale can only be realized when basic material processing studies are accompanied by the understanding of plasma physics, plasma chemistry and the underlying mechanisms at the plasma-surface interface, developed through both modeling and experimental efforts. More recently, the plasma processing community is exploring exciting new opportunities involving atmospheric pressure discharges, micro-plasmas and pulsed discharges, plasma interactions with liquids, plasma-enhanced catalysis at surfaces and plasma processing of nanomaterials. These new developments along with the never-ending quest for improvement in long standing applications are the basis for an active plasma processing community engaged in the research of reactive plasma environments and exploration of new possibilities and applications.
Accordingly, the session chairs welcome papers of a fundamental and applied nature in the following topics:
- Plasma-enhanced physical or chemical vapor deposition and plasma-surface modification techniques.
- Novel and emerging plasma processing methods such as the processing of nanoparticles and nanomaterials, plasma catalysis and the treatment of non-traditional materials including liquids.
- Development of plasma sources and related technologies
(ex. power electronics) to enable both conventional and novel plasma processing
techniques including those operating at or near atmospheric pressure. - Diagnostics (optical, electrical, particle, or systemic) applied to understand the plasma environment and plasma interactions with materials, along with techniques to improve diagnostics capabilities.
- Modeling of gas-phase phenomena in plasmas,
plasma-surface interactions, and plasma processing systems.
Plasma Processing and Diagnostics TAC Co-Chairs: Hana Baránková, Uppsala University, hana.barankova@angstrom.uu.se; Adam Obrusnik, PlasmaSolve, obrusnik@plasmasolve.com; Oleg Zabeida, Polytechnique Montreal, oleg.zabeida@polymtl.ca; Assistant TAC Chairs: Lenka Zajickova, Central European Institute of Technology & Masaryk University, Czech Republic, lenkaz@physics.muni.cz; Craig A. Outten, Universal Display Corporation, coutten@verizon.net