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Atomic Layer Processing
Over the last few years, atomic layer processes (ALPs), such as atomic layer deposition (ALD), atomic layer etching (ALE), molecular layer deposition (MLD), and atomic layer epitaxy (ALEp) have increased in importance, enabling many new products and applications. With excellent uniformity, nanoscale precision, and high versatility, ALPs have applications in sensing, optical coatings, energy storage, and microelectronics. Recent advances in low temperature processing makes ALP methods attractive to processing polymers, biomaterials, and other applications with low thermal budgets.
We are soliciting oral and poster contributions to ALP sessions in areas including both established ALD technologies and creative new ALP developments. Advanced ALP technologies which successfully cross over from early stage feasibility studying into commercially viable industrial solutions are of particular interest.
Session Topics will include:
- Innovations in methods for upscaling ALPs towards high-volume industrial applications
- New business concepts or market perspectives that accelerate transfer of ALPs from the lab to commercial viability
- Current commercial products using ALPs
- Precursor synthesis
- Fundamental aspects of ALP
- Process development
- Plasma-enhanced processes
- Challenges and applications of ALPs
- Novel concepts and technologies for ALP process control, characterization, and monitoring
Atomic Layer Processing (ALP) TAC Co-Chairs: Lenka Zajickova, Central European Institute of Technology & Masaryk University, Czech Republic, lenkaz@physics.muni.cz; Jacob Bertrand, Maxima Sciences LLC, jacob@max-sci.com; Assistant TAC Chairs: Staci Moulton, Forge Nano, Inc., smoulton@forgenano.com; Craig Outten, Universal Display Corporation, coutten@verizon.net